We are engaged in production and distribution of 

unique educational products and content on the topic of human resources management. 

WOW GROUP products are focused on the international business community.

We do events and projects in Dubai, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzia.

We are engaged in production and distribution of 

unique educational products and content on the topic of human resources management. 

WOW GROUP products are focused on the international business community.


 WOW GROUP Founder & CEO

  • WOW GROUP began its history with the creation of an informational and educational project HR-tv.ru in 2012.
    In 2022 HR-tv.ru was renamed to TheHRD.
  • In 2015, the WOW!HR Business Award and Conference was established, which distinctive feature is an open and transparent voting system, as well as the popularisation of projects that participate in the award.
  • In 2018 , the HR-tv.ru Academy (now TheHRD Academy) was established—corporate knowledge base on the topic of personnel management.
  • In 2019, a career guidance portal for schoolchildren and students WOWprofi was created.
  • In 2020, we held the WGC—international conference—for the first time.
  • In 2021, for the first time, we held WOW PRO, a unique award competition for service providers in the field of personnel management.

Goar Ananyan is a recognized expert in the field of HR training and development.

She is founder and CEO of WOW GROUP, which projects have been the center of attraction for the best practices in the field of human resource development and management in Russia and the world for 12 years.

She sees her mission in creating platforms for the free exchange of experience and strategic development of the HR community.

Regularly gives expert comments and publishes articles in the largest media in Russia and the CIS: RBC, Kommersant, Forbes, Cosmopolitan, Snob, Business and Power.

She is a frequent guest of TV and radio broadcasts on the RBC TV channel, Radio Mayak, NTV, radio Mediametriks.

WOW Projects

One of the most authoritative human resources management media in Russia and CIS countries with an annual audience of more than 700,000 unique users.

The largest international business award and conference in the field of personnel management, which takes place in Russia, Kazakhstan and Armenia.

Knowledge base and educational programs on the topic of effective HR management. Within the framework of the Academy, we conduct business tours to 14 countries of the world, thanks to which top managers of global and local companies exchange experience.

Portal of conscious career guidance for schoolchildren and students.

WOW!HR Global Conference is the first international conference with world experts broadcast to the whole world.

The award is a competition for service providers in the field of personnel management and a conference for the HR community.

Also, within the framework of the award, the results of the research of the market of service providers in the field of personnel management are summarized and the All-Russian rating is announced.


 WOW GROUP Founder & CEO

  • WOW GROUP began its history with the creation of an informational and educational project HR-tv.ru in 2012.
  • In 2015, the WOW!HR Business Award and Conference was established, which distinctive feature is an open and transparent voting system, as well as the popularisation of projects that participate in the award.
  • In 2018 , the HR-tv.ru Academy was established—corporate knowledge base on the topic of personnel management.
  • In 2019, a career guidance portal for schoolchildren and students WOWprofi was created.
  • In 2020, we held the WGC—international conference—for the first time.
  • In 2021, for the first time, we held WOW PRO, a unique award competition for service providers in the field of personnel management.

Gohar Ananyan is a recognized expert in the field of HR training and development.

She is founder and CEO of WOW GROUP, which projects have been the center of attraction for the best practices in the field of human resource development and management in Russia and the world for 12 years.

She sees her mission in creating platforms for the free exchange of experience and strategic development of the HR community.

Regularly gives expert comments and publishes articles in the largest media in Russia and the CIS: RBC, Kommersant, Forbes, Cosmopolitan, Snob, Business and Power.

She is a frequent guest of TV and radio broadcasts on the RBC TV channel, Radio Mayak, NTV, radio Mediametriks.

WOW Projects

One of the most authoritative human resources management media in Russia and CIS countries with an annual audience of more than 700,000 unique users.

The largest international business award and conference in the field of personnel management, which takes place in Russia, Kazakhstan and Armenia.

Knowledge base and educational programs on the topic of effective HR management. Within the framework of the Academy, we conduct business tours to 14 countries of the world, thanks to which top managers of global and local companies exchange experience.

Portal of conscious career guidance for schoolchildren and students.

WOW!HR Global Conference is the first international conference with world experts broadcast to the whole world.

The award is a competition for service providers in the field of personnel management and a conference for the HR community.

Also, within the framework of the award, the results of the research of the market of service providers in the field of personnel management are summarized and the All-Russian rating is announced.



to unite the global HR community,

collect and broadcast the best practices of human resource management 

through our educational projects.

Our Clients

WOW GROUP's clients are the largest companies in the CIS and Europe. Among them:

Geography of Presence


Goar Ananyan, Founder and CEO of WOW GROUP


Anton Gorshkov, head of sales department of WOW GROUP


Oxana Arkhangelskaya, head of TheHRD.ru Academy


Anna Konyashina, head of event-projects


Igor Onishenko, head of web-projects


Mass Media About Us

If you're not Google: how to get the most promising employees

Cadres decide everything: the winners of the HR award have been named

Winners of the International Business Award and conference on personnel management WOW!HR Kazakhstan 2019 were named

Startup. Issue dated 06.11.2019, part 1. 13.20

The best service providers in the field of personnel management have been identified

HR management service providers presented their best cases at the WOW PRO Award and Conference...

Big business spends up to 100 million rubles a year on HR services

On September 27, HR management service providers presented their best cases at the WOW PRO Award and conference, which brought together entrepreneurs, top management, HR specialists and HR management service providers...

For Press

Zrina Sudorgina

PR manager 


+7 977-723-62-90

© 2023 LLC WOW GROUP. All rights reserved. 


